Finding Freedom
Through resources and programs


PACT for Families uses Local Collaborative Time Study (LCTS) funding to provide grants to partner agencies.  Funding priorities for LCTS grants have been for activities directed at a clearly defined at-risk population such as but not limited to the following;

The focus of an LCTS project must be to reduce the risk of out of home placements.  PACT for partners work creatively to provide services and opportunities for youth who are struggling at home, school, or community, and to find resources and outlets to help meet their needs.  We know that youth do much better when they receive local support from their community.

For more information, view our LCTS Fact Sheet here.

Editable Region

Our Mission
The PACT for Families Collaborative
has a vision of healthy and safe communities
where individuals, families, and children
care about and support each other.