executive board
Overview of Job Description and Expectations
Purpose: To advise, govern, oversee policy and direction, and assist with the leadership and general promotion of PACT for Families Collaborative to support the organization’s mission and needs.
Mission statement: Partners working together to strengthen families and support children in achieving their highest potential.
*Major responsibilities:
Organizational leadership and advisement
Formulation and oversight of policies and procedures
Financial management, including oversight of the budget
Oversight of grants and programs
Review of organizational and programmatic reports
Promotion of the organization
*Members of the board share these responsibilities while acting in the interest of PACT for Families. Each member is expected to make recommendations based on his or her experience and vantage point in the organization.
Meetings and time commitment:
The board meets the first Tuesday of each month from 11:30 – 2:00 at the Kandiyohi County Health and Human Services Building in Willmar.
Committees of the board meet an average of four times per year, pending their respective work agenda.
Board members are asked to attend no more than two special meetings/events per year, as they are determined.
Expectations of board members:
Attend and participate in meetings regularly, and special events as able.
Participate on a standing committee of the board, and serve on ad-hoc committees as necessary.
Help communicate and promote PACT for Families’ mission and programs to the larger membership.
Become familiar with PACT’s finances, budget, and financial/resource needs.
Board Members
Leah Lundgren, At-Large Representative
McLeod County Social Services
Serves through 2024
(320) 864-1431
Lori Anderson, Vice-Chair 2023
Parent Representative (Renville & Kandiyohi Co Resident)
(507) 828-3153
Diane Winter, Public Health Representative
Director, Meeker County Public Health
Serves through 2023
(320) 693-5370
Heather Jeseritz, At-Large Representative
Community Services Director, United Community Action Partnership
(320) 235-0850 x 1138
Carrie Peterson, Parent of SED Child Representative
Kandiyohi County Resident
Serves through 2025 carrieannpeterson@yahoo.com
Rae Ann Keeler-Aus, Social Services Representative
Director, Yellow Medicine County Family Services
Serves through 2025
(320) 564-2211
Mary Jo DeCathelineau, Chair 2023
Corrections Representative, Kandiyohi County Community Corrections
Serves through 2023
(320) 231-6222 x 2230
Wendell Veurink, Mental Health Representative
Greater MN Family Services
Serves through 2025
(320) 894-9370
Kodi Goracke, School Representative
Principal - Atwater/Cosmos/Grove City School
Beginning 12/2022-completing term of M. Mortensen
Sarah Vonderharr
Director (non-voting)
(320) 231-7030 ext. 2965
Brenda Peterson
Fiscal Agent (non-voting)
Yellow Medicine County Social Services